Robot Framework on Test Automation U!

Intro to Robot Framework slideshow cover

Today, I’m excited to announce my new course, “Introduction to Robot Framework” is available on Test Automation University.

This course is a scaled-down, 1 hour, beginner’s version of our 5-day, in-depth Robot Framework course. If you like the TAU version, you’ll love our remote or in-person course.

If your testers want to save their written test cases, write them in human -readable form, and execute them with automation this tool is the perfect fit! It requires little to no programming experience and teams ramp up fast! Our 5-day course is the perfect accelerator for your team.

Likewise, Robot Framework is one tool many folks are using to support Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

I’m excited to launch this introductory, FREE, 1-hr course today! I want to give a very special thanks to Marc Myers and Javier Velasquez for their work on this course. Also thanks to all the wonderful folks at Applitools for their efforts. Many thanks to Angie Jones for the opportunity!


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