Man video chatting with woman

Since 2014 we’ve been a remote company that hires remotely.

We’ve seen all the challenges and made all the mistakes related to hiring remotely. Now we lend our expertise to you through our recruiting services!

Have you run into these issues when hiring remotely? If so, we can help.


Woman with face covered by a drawing of a face.

The remote interview process makes it easy for one person to sit down in a call or interview in place of someone else. Make sure you are hiring the person you’re talking with.

Personal details

We gather a massive amount of information when hiring in-person, irl. We don’t get all that information remotely. What personal details about candidates are you missing? Missing information could be key to keeping your team moving forward or messing up the chemistry.

Self direction

How do you know a candidate will work hard for you remotely, rather than playing Tears of the Kingdom all day?

Location, location, location

Avoid miscommunications about where a person is going to be working from.

There are business, security, and regulatory constraints related to where employees work. Are you adhering to legal, regulatory and internal constraints? Or are you creating risk for your company?

You can google that

We have ways of knowing whether people truly know their craft or whether they’re just googling it. Do you? Do your current recruiters?

Trust me, the last thing you want is your newly-hired DBA googling “how to write a select statement” or your new QA hire searching for “what is BDD?”

At Beaufort Fairmont, we have developed techniques to recognize those with superficial knowledge versus those with practical and deep knowledge of their specialties. Let us use these to help you build your teams.

Let us hire for you

Whether you’re looking for a contract with us for our assigned employees or help with finding permanent FTEs, we take care of it.

Although we usually have a waiting list of clients, set up an appointment anyway. We’ll talk through your needs. You never know when we have bandwidth to help!

Set up a time to talk now.


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